Royal Commission launches into the secure cloud with Kapish Content Manager Cloud

Citadel IX delivers mission-critical security for the Royal Commission Into the Management of Police Informants enabling agile, cloud-based Information management.

When you have a Royal Commission into specific aspects of the Victoria Police, confidentiality and security of submissions is mission-critical. So it was a challenge Kapish, a part of the Citadel Group – was up for.

The Victorian Government established the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants (RCMPI) after the High Court found that Victoria Police had used former defence barrister, Ms Nicola Gobbo, as a human source – conduct the High Court described as “corruption of the criminal justice system”. During its inquiry, the Commission heard from 82 witnesses between February 2019 and February 2020, receiving a mind-boggling 155,000 documents – including 157 submissions.

“It was vital to protect the identities of certain people who gave evidence at the Commission’s hearings and certain people affected by the inquiry in other ways.

“Releasing this information could have put their safety or the safety of people close to them at serious risk. Security was mission-critical, and Kapish had previously delivered for other government clients, so they fully understood this requirement.”

A spokesperson for RCMPI’s Director of Operations

With an existing 15-year contract managing the electronic records management system (ERMS) for the Australian Department of Defence – plus a health business that manages around 40% of the country’s pathology – The Citadel Group pedigree is arguably unrivalled in this country.

With a thorough commitment to issues relating to security, Kapish successfully addressed no less than 119 processes and procedures to achieve the internationally recognised specification for an Information Security Management System – ISO 27001 certification.

Add to this their existing high-level security clearance to operate within the Microsoft Azure Australia Central region in Canberra, Kapish was well-positioned to move with agility to deploy their Content Manager Cloud, to address the Commission’s requirements.

RCMPI selected Content Manager Cloud for its rapid deployment capability and unrivalled security. The solution was ready to go in just two weeks. Secure cloud-based solutions bring exceptional value to government agencies through increased business agility, operational effectiveness and improved visibility across business services and ICT investments.

As Citadel’s Head of Business Development, Stewart Hollingdrake, explains, Content Manager Cloud’s offering extended beyond the functionality required during the inquiry to longer-term archiving post-Commission.

“While RCMPI required the utmost protection and secrecy, it is important to note the significance of the end-to-end life-cycle of the platform.

“At the beginning, we had to migrate existing information across from the Department of Justice and Community Safety . Around 18 months later, as the project wrapped up, we had to bundle all of the information and transfer it securely from our environment across to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

“This is an elaborate process that requires encryption and protection at every step. Disposal schedules, various levels of sensitivity and access were all delivered as part of the function of Micro Focus Content Manager within the platform.”

Stewart Hollingdrake, Head of Business Development, Kapish

Content Manager Cloud partners with Micro Focus to help organisations securely manage all records, regulatory data and content in the cloud and is hailed as the number one electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) Software as a Service (SaaS) platform.

The Content Manager Cloud solution includes 24/7 proactive monitoring (of over 23,000 users nationally), via an automated process in line with ISO 27001 certification, along with specialist help desk services.

Kapish’s commitment and determination to deliver above and beyond for its client afforded RCMPI peace of mind through the assurance of absolute security and data protection.

Content Manager Cloud proved so successful with the RMCPI that Kapish was subsequently engaged to bring their solution to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.